Make Your Head Spin

360 video is an exciting new technology that, when used for the right reason, can be an awesome tool for advertising, marketing or storytelling.

Mud Mile Communications leads the way on producing this type of video and we’re excited to show off a variety of styles we’ve come up with for different clients. This is fun to watch on your computer, but it’s even more fun to watch on your phone. It will really make your head spin!

Augustana University Residence Hall Tours

We start in a virtual world and magically transition into an Augie residence hall!

White Wall Sessions

The Red Leaves is a pretty basic production, while we added the final flat screen edit into the Jami Lynn 360 for White Wall Sessions.

Oh My Cupcakes! Kitchen Tour

Melissa Johnson, Founder and CEO of Oh My Cupcakes! gives us an exclusive look at their magical cupcake kitchen.